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Data Controllers for

Scottish participation in the 100,000 Genomes Project (“the SGP Study”)

If you consented to take part in the SGP Study (Scottish participation in the 100,000 Genomes Project), personal information about you was collected. This was described in your Participant Information Leaflet and on the Consent Form you signed.


The information below is for SGP Study participants.


There are two independent “Data Controllers” for your personal data, depending on where the data is stored and what it is used for: the Scottish Genomes Partnership centre that invited you to take part in the SGP Study; and Genomics England. These Data Controllers are subject to the General Data Protection Regulation 2018 (“GDPR”).


You can follow the links below to the individual privacy statements of these Data Controllers. These describe your rights in relation to that data and the principles adhered to that ensure your information is safe. Contact details for the relevant Data Protection Officer can also be found at these links.


For Scottish Genomes Partnership centres:

NHS Grampian (for the North of Scotland Regional Genetics Service, based in ABERDEEN)

NHS Tayside (for the East of Scotland Regional Genetics Service, based in DUNDEE)

NHS Lothian (for the South East of Scotland Regional Genetics Service, based in EDINBURGH)

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (for the West of Scotland Regional Genetics Service, based in GLASGOW)


Genomics England 

It is important to note that the Genomics England “Privacy Notice for Participants in the 100,000 Genomes Project” refers to collection of personal information including name, address and date of birth. This is true for project participants recruited via NHS clinics in England, Wales and Northern Ireland but is not relevant to SGP Study participants.



Last updated 7th June 2019


© 2020 Scottish Genomes Partnership


Scottish Genomes Partnership gratefully acknowledges the funding received from the Chief Scientist Office of the Scottish Government Health Directorates and the Medical Research Council Whole Genome Sequencing for Health and Wealth Initiative.

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